l o a d i n g


  • Project Name:

    Children of Helps Nonpofit

  • Category:

    Nonpofit Poor.

  • Client

    Children of Helps .

  • Location:


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Access to clean water, adequate sanitation facilities, and proper hygiene practices for the health and well-being of individuals and communities cannot be overemphasized.

Through our focused efforts on WaSH, we strive to address the critical challenges facing the region and empower communities to lead healthier, more dignified lives.

Here’s a glimpse of what we do:

  1. Water Infrastructure Development:

    • We work to improve access to clean and safe drinking water by implementing projects to develop water sources, such as boreholes, wells, and water treatment facilities. By providing reliable water infrastructure, we aim to ensure that communities have access to a sustainable and reliable supply of clean water.
  2. Sanitation Facilities Construction:

    • We facilitate the construction of sanitation facilities, including latrines, toilets, and handwashing stations, in communities where access to adequate sanitation is limited. These facilities are essential for preventing the spread of diseases and promoting good hygiene practices.
  3. Hygiene Promotion and Education:

    • We conduct comprehensive hygiene promotion and education programs to raise awareness about the importance of good hygiene practices, such as handwashing with soap, safe food handling, and proper sanitation. Through workshops, trainings, and community outreach activities, we empower individuals and communities to adopt and maintain healthy hygiene behaviors.
  4. Community Engagement and Participation:

    • We actively engage with local communities to involve them in the planning, implementation, and maintenance of WaSH projects. By fostering community ownership and participation, we ensure the sustainability and long-term success of our initiatives.
  5. Emergency WaSH Response:

    • In times of crisis or emergencies, such as natural disasters or conflict situations, we provide rapid and effective WaSH response to affected communities. Our emergency interventions focus on delivering life-saving water, sanitation, and hygiene services to those in need, helping to prevent the spread of diseases and alleviate suffering.
  6. Capacity Building and Training:

    • We invest in the capacity building and training of local stakeholders, including community leaders, health workers, and WaSH committees, to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to manage and maintain WaSH infrastructure effectively.


Through our holistic approach to WaSH, we are committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of people in Northeast Nigeria. Join us in our mission to ensure that everyone has access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education, enabling communities to thrive and prosper. Together, we can create a healthier, more resilient future for all.



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