l o a d i n g

Ankama Community Initiative is a humanitarian organization committed to transforming the lives of our beneficiaries and those affected by insurgency and natural disasters, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable groups such as women and children. Our core objective is to foster resilience and self-sufficiency among these individuals, empowering them to rebuild their lives and communities in the aftermath of crisis.


We believe in the power of advocacy, collaborative networking, capacity building, and empowerment to effect positive change. Through our advocacy efforts, we raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters, advocating for their rights and equal access to opportunities. We also work tirelessly to build collaborative networks, forging partnerships with local communities, NGOs, government agencies, and other stakeholders to maximize our impact and reach.

Where We Focus

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares


With Your Support,
we can Reach more Families.


Latest News & Update.

08 Dec 2023

Fighting Hunger, One Meal at a Time

In a world where millions of people go to bed hungry every night, the fight…

13 Sep 2023

Commitment to Community Service

At the heart of ANCO-Initiatives' mission lies a steadfast commitment to mobilizing youth for community…

23 May 2023

How Small Acts of Kindness Can Change the World

In a world often overshadowed by turmoil and uncertainty, it's easy to feel powerless in…

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