l o a d i n g


  • Project Name:

    Children of Helps Nonpofit

  • Category:

    Nonpofit Poor.

  • Client

    Children of Helps .

  • Location:


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As an organization, we recognize the critical role that economic development plays in building resilient and thriving communities. Through our Economic Recovery and Development initiatives, we work to create opportunities for sustainable growth, empower individuals and businesses, and drive economic transformation in the region.

Here’s a glimpse of what we do:

  1. Entrepreneurship Support Programs:

    • We provide training, mentorship, and access to financial resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. Our entrepreneurship support programs aim to nurture innovation, creativity, and resilience, enabling individuals to start and grow successful businesses that contribute to economic growth and job creation.
  2. Microfinance and Financial Inclusion:

    • We promote financial inclusion by providing microfinance services, including small loans, savings accounts, and financial literacy training, to underserved communities and marginalized groups. By increasing access to financial services, we empower individuals to build assets, manage risks, and improve their livelihoods.
  3. Market Access and Value Chain Development:

    • We support farmers, artisans, and producers by facilitating access to markets, strengthening value chains, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Through market linkages, training in post-harvest handling, and quality certification, we help smallholder farmers and producers increase their incomes and improve their market competitiveness.
  4. Infrastructure Development:

    • We invest in critical infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and energy facilities, to enhance connectivity, facilitate trade, and unlock economic opportunities in underserved areas. By improving infrastructure, we create an enabling environment for economic growth and development, attracting investment and stimulating local economies.
  5. Job Skills Training and Employment Programs:

    • We provide job skills training programs and employment opportunities for youth and vulnerable populations, equipping them with the skills and experience needed to secure meaningful employment. By addressing skills gaps and promoting job creation in key sectors, we contribute to reducing unemployment and poverty in the region.
  6. Community-Led Development Initiatives:

    • We work closely with communities to identify their development priorities and co-create solutions that address their specific needs and challenges. Through participatory approaches and community-led development initiatives, we empower local residents to drive their own economic development agendas and build resilient, self-reliant communities.


We are committed to building a more prosperous, inclusive, and resilient future for Northeast Nigeria. Join us in our mission to unlock the economic potential of the region, empower individuals and communities, and create opportunities for sustainable growth and development. Together, we can build a better tomorrow for all.


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