l o a d i n g


  • Project Name:

    Children of Helps Nonpofit

  • Category:

    Nonpofit Poor.

  • Client

    Children of Helps .

  • Location:


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At Anco Initiative, we firmly believe in the inherent dignity, rights, and potential of persons with disabilities. Through our Disability Inclusion initiatives, we are dedicated to promoting equal opportunities, removing barriers, and fostering inclusion for individuals with disabilities in all aspects of life.

Our Approach:

  1. Accessibility Advocacy:

    • We advocate for the creation of accessible environments, infrastructure, and services that accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. From wheelchair ramps to sign language interpretation services, we work to ensure that all individuals have equal access to public spaces, transportation, education, employment, and healthcare.
  2. Education and Skills Development:

    • We support inclusive education programs and skills development initiatives that empower persons with disabilities to unlock their full potential and participate meaningfully in society. Through inclusive classrooms, vocational training programs, and job skills workshops, we equip individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
  3. Employment and Economic Empowerment:

    • We promote employment opportunities and economic empowerment initiatives that enable persons with disabilities to achieve financial independence and contribute to their communities. By partnering with employers, businesses, and vocational training centers, we advocate for inclusive hiring practices and create pathways to employment for persons with disabilities.
  4. Health and Rehabilitation Services:

    • We provide access to healthcare services, rehabilitation programs, and assistive devices for persons with disabilities to improve their health outcomes and quality of life. From mobility aids to hearing aids, we ensure that individuals have the support they need to live healthy, independent lives.
  5. Community Awareness and Sensitization:

    • We conduct community awareness campaigns and sensitization workshops to challenge stereotypes, combat stigma, and promote acceptance and inclusion of persons with disabilities. Through education and dialogue, we seek to change attitudes and foster a culture of respect, dignity, and inclusion for all.
  6. Policy Advocacy and Legal Rights:

    • We advocate for the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities through policy advocacy and legal reform initiatives. By working with policymakers, legislators, and government agencies, we strive to enact laws and policies that protect the rights of persons with disabilities and ensure their full participation in society.


Through our Disability Inclusion initiatives, we are committed to building a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable society for all. Join us in our mission to promote disability rights, remove barriers, and create a world where every individual can thrive and fulfill their potential. Together, we can make inclusion a reality for persons with disabilities in Northeast Nigeria and beyond.



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