l o a d i n g
man on a wheelchair

May 21 2023

Wheelchair for Persons with Disability

We want to empower persons with disabilities in Northeast Nigeria by providing them with access to mobility aids, including wheelchairs. For many individuals with disabilities, lack of mobility can present significant challenges, limiting their independence, mobility, and access to essential services. But with your support, we can make a difference.

Through our Empower Mobility initiative, we’re working to ensure that every person with a disability has access to a wheelchair that meets their needs. Your donation enables us to procure and distribute high-quality wheelchairs to individuals who need them, providing them with the freedom to move, engage in daily activities, and participate fully in their communities.

But our impact goes beyond the provision of wheelchairs. Your support also helps us provide training, rehabilitation services, and ongoing support to wheelchair users, empowering them to maximize their mobility and independence. By addressing the barriers to mobility, we’re helping persons with disabilities lead more fulfilling, dignified lives.

Join us in our mission to Empower Mobility. Your donation has the power to transform lives, break down barriers, and create a more inclusive society where every person, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can make mobility a reality for persons with disabilities in Northeast Nigeria. Thank you for your support.

0.00% Raised
$0.00 donated of $80,000.00 goal
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