l o a d i n g

Empowering Youth, Building Resilient Communities


The seeds of ANCO-Initiatives were sown in the tumultuous year of 2020, amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. David Mele Ankama, a visionary young leader, founded what was then known as the Ankama Foundation. Witnessing the devastating impact of the pandemic on communities, David Mele Ankama saw an opportunity to create a positive force for change. The organization began its journey as a grassroots movement, driven by the passion to address the urgent needs arising from the pandemic.

As the initial efforts gained momentum, the organization evolved and was formally registered in 2022 as the Ankama Community Initiative, affectionately known as ANCO-Initiatives. This transformation marked a pivotal moment in the organization’s history, signifying its commitment to becoming a long-term catalyst for community development.


Executive Director, Anco Initiative

Pandemic Response and Local Sensitization (2020-2021):

ANCO-Initiatives embarked on its mission by focusing on COVID-19 awareness and preventive measures. Recognizing the importance of community engagement, the organization served as a platform for disseminating crucial information about the virus and promoting preventive measures. Through various initiatives, ANCO-Initiatives became a beacon of hope during dark times, fostering a sense of unity and responsibility among the youth.

In 2021, the organization extended its reach to underserved communities, particularly in the Billiri Local Government Area of Gombe State. ANCO-Initiatives implemented self-dependency measures, empowering residents to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and other health challenges like Sexual Reproductive health (SRH), malaria, TB, and HIV independently.


Youth Social Awareness and Education Advocacy (Late 2021):

Late in 2021, ANCO-Initiatives took a bold step towards youth social awareness by initiating programs aimed at supporting educational institutions. The organization conducted an Health education advocacy and campaign across schools in Gombe State, with a specific focus on improving the safety of pupils against the threat of COVID-19 and other health challenges like Sexual Reproductive health (SRH), malaria, TB, and HIV. By engaging with both students and educators, ANCO-Initiatives contributed to creating a safer learning environment, raising awareness about the importance of adherence to health protocols.

Mobilizing Youth for Community Service:

Central to ANCO-Initiatives’ ethos is the mobilization of youth for community service. Recognizing the potential of young people as agents of positive change, the organization actively involved them in various community-centric projects. By harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the youth, ANCO-Initiatives fostered a culture of volunteerism and social responsibility.

As ANCO-Initiatives continues to grow, it stands as a testament to the power of youth-led initiatives in creating lasting impact. The organization’s evolution from Ankama Foundation to ANCO-Initiatives reflects not just a change in name but a commitment to sustained community development, firmly grounded in the principles of awareness, education, and health services.

Vision statement


Empowering communities for sustainable development through youth-led initiatives, fostering awareness, education, and health service excellence.

Anco-initiative.org. NGO picture

Mission statement

ANCO-Initiatives is dedicated to catalyzing positive change by empowering communities. We envision a future where informed and educated youth can actively engage in community service, creating lasting impact. Our mission is to promote awareness, provide education, and cultivate a spirit of self-dependency, with a focus on underserved communities. By mobilizing the potential of youth, we strive to build a resilient society that thrives through collective efforts and sustainable development.”

Core Values

  1. Compassion: We believe in showing empathy, care, and understanding towards all individuals, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalized. Compassion is at the heart of everything we do, guiding our interactions, decisions, and actions as we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

  2. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our work. We are committed to transparency, accountability, and professionalism, ensuring that our actions align with our values and principles at all times.

  3. Empowerment: We are dedicated to empowering individuals and communities to realize their full potential and lead meaningful, self-determined lives. Through education, training, and support, we seek to build capacity, foster resilience, and promote self-reliance among those we serve.

  4. Inclusivity: We celebrate diversity and embrace inclusivity, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances. We strive to create inclusive spaces where all voices are heard, valued, and respected.

  5. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership to achieve greater impact and sustainability. We actively seek out opportunities to work with stakeholders, organizations, and communities, leveraging collective strengths and resources to address complex challenges and drive positive change.

  6. Excellence: We are committed to excellence in all aspects of our work, continuously striving for improvement, innovation, and impact. We set high standards for ourselves and our programs, seeking to deliver quality outcomes that make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

  7. Social Justice: We are champions of social justice, equality, and human rights, advocating for the rights and dignity of all individuals, particularly those who are marginalized or oppressed. We work to address systemic inequalities, challenge injustice, and promote fairness and equality for all members of society.

These core values reflect our unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the world and guiding our organization’s mission, vision, and day-to-day operations.


The Numbers we've done are
evidence of our Commitment.











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