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Empowering Children,
Protecting the Future.

Join us in securing a brighter tomorrow for every child.

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Clean Water Healthy Habits

Transforming lives drop by drop.
Together, let's make a splash for a brighter, healthier future.

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Making the World Save
for Families.

In a world where safety embraces every corner, children bloom with joy, curiosity, and boundless dreams. Let us unite to create a haven for all.

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At Ankama Community Initiative, we’re on a mission to bring positive change to the world. Your support is the key to turning dreams into reality, fostering education, healthcare, and empowerment. Join hands with us to build a legacy of impact. Every donation paves the way for a brighter, more equitable future. Together, let’s be the change-makers, the hope-givers, and the catalysts for a better world.

Your generosity has the power to make a lasting impact. Every contribution is a step towards building a brighter future. Together, let's create a ripple effect of kindness and transform lives.

We believe in the transformative will and the power of love to spread kindness, create connections, build healthy relationships and make the world a brighter place.

We're firm believers in the impact you can create and how it can help us achieve our vision. Volunteer with us today, let's make the world a better and safer place for all.

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We Can Reach More People With Your Helping Hand.

We are on a mission to foster positive change, we navigate through diverse realms, addressing critical issues that shape communities and lives.

  • We Exist to Serve

    Not just as an organization, but as a beacon of hope, compassion, and positive change. Our unwavering commitment is to serve the needs of our communities, empowering lives, and uplifting the vulnerable.

  • Accountability is our Watchword

    We stand firm in our commitment to transparency, responsibility, and impact. Guided by the belief that every action we take leaves a lasting imprint, we embrace accountability as a cornerstone of our mission.

Welcome Note from the Executive Director

I am thrilled to introduce you to our refreshed website, a platform designed to inspire and empower the youth to make a difference in the world. At Anco-Initiative, we believe in the power of young people to drive positive change and create a brighter future for all.


Through this website, you’ll discover the diverse projects and initiatives we’re undertaking to address pressing humanitarian issues. That includes advocating for environmental sustainability, promoting education access, and supporting marginalized communities, our team is dedicated to making a meaningful impact we serve.

We invite you to explore our resources, engage with our community, and join us in our mission to create a more equitable and compassionate world. Together, let’s harness our collective potential to create lasting change.


Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to embarking on this journey of impact and transformation with you.


David M. Ankama

Executive Director


With Your Support,
we can Reach more Families.

Our Projects

These are the areas we focus

Where we work


Meet Our Board of Directors.

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David M. Ankama


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Leona D. Danladi

Director, Human Resources

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Oroke F. Ogochukwu

Director of Programs

Be A Part of Our
Volunteer Team.

As a youth-led organization, we work on some of the pressing issues
affecting humanity. Be a part of what we do.

Join Us


Latest News & Update.

08 Dec 2023

Fighting Hunger, One Meal at a Time

In a world where millions of people go to bed hungry every night, the fight…

13 Sep 2023

Commitment to Community Service

At the heart of ANCO-Initiatives' mission lies a steadfast commitment to mobilizing youth for community…

23 May 2023

How Small Acts of Kindness Can Change the World

In a world often overshadowed by turmoil and uncertainty, it's easy to feel powerless in…

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